Hiro Odaira / Precious Pieces Washi parchment was used in many rooms inPuro Vik; luxuary hotel in Chile, Latin America. A collection of glass houses in Puro Vik that hang from the steep hills, have many different forms of interior that employs Precious Pieces’ Washi Parchment, such as many kinds of oversized glass laminated Washi partitions, series of Shoji sliding doors that uses the Washi Parchment with class A fire retardanttreated and surface protection, unique designed lamp shades treated with class A fire retardant as well, and the Fusuma sliding doorsthat have reinforcedWashi Parchment on their surfaces. The visitors would feel like the hotel rooms fuse in the surrounding wild nature by the effect of rustic texture of the Washi Parchment.
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hotel room, Chile / 115″ x 106″ / plant fiber, pigment, wood, metal, reinforced glass, mixed media / 2019